# Copyright © Colin Watson # Copyright © Ian Jackson # Copyright © 2007 Don Armstrong . # Copyright © 2009 Raphaël Hertzog # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . package Dpkg::Version; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = "1.00"; use Dpkg::ErrorHandling; use Dpkg::Gettext; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(version_compare version_compare_relation version_normalize_relation version_compare_string version_compare_part version_split_digits version_check REL_LT REL_LE REL_EQ REL_GE REL_GT); use constant { REL_LT => '<<', REL_LE => '<=', REL_EQ => '=', REL_GE => '>=', REL_GT => '>>', }; use overload '<=>' => \&comparison, 'cmp' => \&comparison, '""' => \&as_string, 'bool' => sub { return $_[0]->as_string() if $_[0]->is_valid(); }, 'fallback' => 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Dpkg::Version - handling and comparing dpkg-style version numbers =head1 DESCRIPTION The Dpkg::Version module provides pure-Perl routines to compare dpkg-style version numbers (as used in Debian packages) and also an object oriented interface overriding perl operators to do the right thing when you compare Dpkg::Version object between them. =head1 OBJECT INTERFACE =over 4 =item my $v = Dpkg::Version->new($version, %opts) Create a new Dpkg::Version object corresponding to the version indicated in the string (scalar) $version. By default it will accepts any string and consider it as a valid version. If you pass the option "check => 1", it will return undef if the version is invalid (see version_check for details). You can always call $v->is_valid() later on to verify that the version is valid. =cut sub new { my ($this, $ver, %opts) = @_; my $class = ref($this) || $this; $ver = "$ver" if ref($ver); # Try to stringify objects if ($opts{'check'}) { return undef unless version_check($ver); } my $self = {}; if ($ver =~ /^([^:]*):(.+)$/) { $self->{'epoch'} = $1; $ver = $2; } else { $self->{'epoch'} = 0; $self->{'no_epoch'} = 1; } if ($ver =~ /(.*)-(.*)$/) { $self->{'version'} = $1; $self->{'revision'} = $2; } else { $self->{'version'} = $ver; $self->{'revision'} = 0; $self->{'no_revision'} = 1; } return bless $self, $class; } =item boolean evaluation When the Dpkg::Version object is used in a boolean evaluation (for example in "if ($v)" or "$v || 'default'") it returns its string representation if the version stored is valid ($v->is_valid()) and undef otherwise. =item $v->is_valid() Returns true if the version is valid, false otherwise. =cut sub is_valid { my ($self) = @_; return scalar version_check($self); } =item $v->epoch(), $v->version(), $v->revision() Returns the corresponding part of the full version string. =cut sub epoch { my $self = shift; return $self->{'epoch'}; } sub version { my $self = shift; return $self->{'version'}; } sub revision { my $self = shift; return $self->{'revision'}; } =item $v1 <=> $v2, $v1 < $v2, $v1 <= $v2, $v1 > $v2, $v1 >= $v2 Numerical comparison of various versions numbers. One of the two operands needs to be a Dpkg::Version, the other one can be anything provided that its string representation is a version number. =cut sub comparison { my ($a, $b, $inverted) = @_; if (not ref($b) or not $b->isa("Dpkg::Version")) { $b = Dpkg::Version->new($b); } ($a, $b) = ($b, $a) if $inverted; my $r = version_compare_part($a->epoch(), $b->epoch()); return $r if $r; $r = version_compare_part($a->version(), $b->version()); return $r if $r; return version_compare_part($a->revision(), $b->revision()); } =item "$v", $v->as_string() Returns the string representation of the version number. =cut sub as_string { my ($self) = @_; my $str = ""; $str .= $self->{epoch} . ":" unless $self->{no_epoch}; $str .= $self->{version}; $str .= "-" . $self->{revision} unless $self->{no_revision}; return $str; } =back =head1 FUNCTIONS All the functions are exported by default. =over 4 =item version_compare($a, $b) Returns -1 if $a is earlier than $b, 0 if they are equal and 1 if $a is later than $b. If $a or $b are not valid version numbers, it dies with an error. =cut sub version_compare($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; my $va = Dpkg::Version->new($a, check => 1); defined($va) || error(_g("%s is not a valid version"), "$a"); my $vb = Dpkg::Version->new($b, check => 1); defined($vb) || error(_g("%s is not a valid version"), "$b"); return $va <=> $vb; } =item version_compare_relation($a, $rel, $b) Returns the result (0 or 1) of the given comparison operation. This function is implemented on top of version_compare(). Allowed values for $rel are the exported constants REL_GT, REL_GE, REL_EQ, REL_LE, REL_LT. Use version_normalize_relation() if you have an input string containing the operator. =cut sub version_compare_relation($$$) { my ($a, $op, $b) = @_; my $res = version_compare($a, $b); if ($op eq REL_GT) { return $res > 0; } elsif ($op eq REL_GE) { return $res >= 0; } elsif ($op eq REL_EQ) { return $res == 0; } elsif ($op eq REL_LE) { return $res <= 0; } elsif ($op eq REL_LT) { return $res < 0; } else { internerr("unsupported relation for version_compare_relation(): '$op'"); } } =item my $rel = version_normalize_relation($rel_string) Returns the normalized constant of the relation $rel (a value among REL_GT, REL_GE, REL_EQ, REL_LE and REL_LT). Supported relations names in input are: "gt", "ge", "eq", "le", "lt", ">>", ">=", "=", "<=", "<<". ">" and "<" are also supported but should not be used as they are obsolete aliases of ">=" and "<=". =cut sub version_normalize_relation($) { my $op = shift; warning("relation %s is deprecated: use %s or %s", $op, "$op$op", "$op=") if ($op eq '>' or $op eq '<'); if ($op eq '>>' or $op eq 'gt') { return REL_GT; } elsif ($op eq '>=' or $op eq 'ge' or $op eq '>') { return REL_GE; } elsif ($op eq '=' or $op eq 'eq') { return REL_EQ; } elsif ($op eq '<=' or $op eq 'le' or $op eq '<') { return REL_LE; } elsif ($op eq '<<' or $op eq 'lt') { return REL_LT; } else { internerr("bad relation '$op'"); } } =item version_compare_string($a, $b) String comparison function used for comparing non-numerical parts of version numbers. Returns -1 if $a is earlier than $b, 0 if they are equal and 1 if $a is later than $b. The "~" character always sort lower than anything else. Digits sort lower than non-digits. Among remaining characters alphabetic characters (A-Za-z) sort lower than the other ones. Within each range, the ASCII decimal value of the character is used to sort between characters. =cut sub version_compare_string($$) { sub order { my ($x) = @_; if ($x eq '~') { return -1; } elsif ($x =~ /^\d$/) { return $x * 1 + 1; } elsif ($x =~ /^[A-Za-z]$/) { return ord($x); } else { return ord($x) + 256; } } my @a = map(order($_), split(//, shift)); my @b = map(order($_), split(//, shift)); while (1) { my ($a, $b) = (shift @a, shift @b); return 0 if not defined($a) and not defined($b); $a ||= 0; # Default order for "no character" $b ||= 0; return 1 if $a > $b; return -1 if $a < $b; } } =item version_compare_part($a, $b) Compare two corresponding sub-parts of a version number (either upstream version or debian revision). Each parameter is split by version_split_digits() and resulting items are compared together.in digits and non-digits items that are compared together. As soon as a difference happens, it returns -1 if $a is earlier than $b, 0 if they are equal and 1 if $a is later than $b. =cut sub version_compare_part($$) { my @a = version_split_digits(shift); my @b = version_split_digits(shift); while (1) { my ($a, $b) = (shift @a, shift @b); return 0 if not defined($a) and not defined($b); $a ||= 0; # Default value for lack of version $b ||= 0; if ($a =~ /^\d+$/ and $b =~ /^\d+$/) { # Numerical comparison my $cmp = $a <=> $b; return $cmp if $cmp; } else { # String comparison my $cmp = version_compare_string($a, $b); return $cmp if $cmp; } } } =item my @items = version_split_digits($version) Splits a string in items that are each entirely composed either of digits or of non-digits. For instance for "1.024~beta1+svn234" it would return ("1", ".", "024", "~beta", "1", "+svn", "234"). =cut sub version_split_digits($) { return split(/(?<=\d)(?=\D)|(?<=\D)(?=\d)/, $_[0]); } =item my ($ok, $msg) = version_check($version) =item my $ok = version_check($version) Checks the validity of $version as a version number. Returns 1 in $ok if the version is valid, 0 otherwise. In the latter case, $msg contains a description of the problem with the $version scalar. =cut sub version_check($) { my $version = shift; my $str; if (defined $version) { $str = "$version"; $version = Dpkg::Version->new($str) unless ref($version); } if (not defined($str) or not length($str)) { my $msg = _g("version number cannot be empty"); return (0, $msg) if wantarray; return 0; } if ($version->version() =~ m/^[^\d]/) { my $msg = _g("version number does not start with digit"); return (0, $msg) if wantarray; return 0; } if ($str =~ m/([^-+:.0-9a-zA-Z~])/o) { my $msg = sprintf(_g("version number contains illegal character `%s'"), $1); return (0, $msg) if wantarray; return 0; } if ($version->epoch() !~ /^\d*$/) { my $msg = sprintf(_g("epoch part of the version number " . "is not a number: '%s'"), $version->epoch()); return (0, $msg) if wantarray; return 0; } return (1, "") if wantarray; return 1; } =back =head1 AUTHOR Don Armstrong , Colin Watson and Raphaël Hertzog , based on the implementation in C by Ian Jackson and others. =cut 1;